The Universidad Privada de Trujillo UPRIT, begins a new stage in its Institutionality with new Promoters and Authorities, coming from the main Universities and Business Schools of Peru and the World: Stanford University, USA; Newport International University, USA; USA, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; University of Geneva, Switzerland; ESAN University, Peru; Universidad del Pacífico, Peru, Private University of Piura-PAD, Peru; CENTRUM Catolica, Peru; National University of Engineering UNI, Peru.

misión uprit

The Universidad Privada de Trujillo provides a comprehensive and humanistic professional training of excellence, generating scientific and technological excellence, generating scientific and technological knowledge that contributes to the harmonious and sustainable and sustainable development of society, addressing the problems, challenges and social, economic, cultural, and environmental challenges that afflict it with a high spirit of and environmental problems, challenges and challenges that afflict it with a high spirit of social and ethical responsibility.

visión uprit

By 2027, our University is integrated into the world, recognized for its significant contribution to human development, by responding to the demands, challenges and challenges of the environment to human development by responding to the demands, challenges and challenges of the environment, competitiveness and sustainability through the excellence of its graduates, research and innovation, acting with a high sense of responsibility research and innovation, acting with a high sense of social and ethical responsibility.


Ethical Conduct

Collaborative Work and Vocation of Service

Leadership and Proactivity

Innovation and Creativity

Main purposes

Universidad Privada of Trujillo in accordance with education, research, quality, social responsibility, culture, makes available the following purposes:


Preserve, increase and permanently transmit the scientific, technological, cultural and artistic heritage of humanity.


Train high-quality professionals in a comprehensive manner and with a full sense of social responsibility according to the needs of the country.


Carry out and promote scientific, technological and humanistic research, intellectual and artistic creation.


Project its actions and services to the community to promote its change and development.


Disseminate universal knowledge for the benefit of humanity.


Promote human and sustainable development at the local, regional, national and global levels.


Serve humanity and integral development.

Business Administration

By studying business administration at UPRIT you will be able to improve productivity, quality, costs, administration as well as production time, worker and trust relationships to continuously and efficiently improve the competitiveness of a company.

Accounting and Finance

The professional graduated from the Accounting and Finance career will be a professional willing to propose improvements and changes in the operational, commercial and promotional structures of companies.


The teaching of law at UPRIT is developed under the constructivist approach, analyzing cases, solving problems and doing role plays, developing the skills that a lawyer should have today.

Civil Engineering

UPRIT trains trained professionals to apply engineering laws, principles, techniques, methods and systems to conceptualize, propose, represent, analyze, evaluate, build, conserve and operate civil infrastructure plans and projects.

Services we offer

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